Monin Roasted Hazelnut Syrup 1x1ltr
MoninMONIN Roasted Hazelnut Syrup has an intensely rich aroma of roasted nuts, with hints of praline and toffee, with a smoky, nutty taste. It was developed after the huge popularity of MONIN hazelnut syrup in speciality coffee.
It has an a more powerful hazelnut flavour and aroma especially when used in speciality coffee applications. MONIN Roasted Hazelnut syrup is a versatile and rich in taste syrup. Add a touch into multiple beverage applications such as hot chocolates, coffees, frappes, cocktails and mocktails.
Sugar, water, natural flavouring, concentrated lemon juice, colour: E150a, preservative: E202. Contains hazelnut extract.
Ingredients, including allergens, can and do change.
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